Oh! Dosa seorang wanita penzina....

Oh! Krai Utara


Pada suatu senja yang lengang, terlihat seorang wanita berjalan terhuyung-hayang . Pakaiannya yang serba hitam menandakan bahawa dia berada dalam duka cita yang mencekam.  Kerudungnya menangkup rapat hampir seluruh wajahnya. Tanpa rias muka atau perhiasan menempel di tubuhnya. Kulit yang bersih, badan yang ramping dan roman mukanya yang ayu, tidak dapat menghapus kesan kepedihan yang sedang meruyak hidupnya.Dia melangkah terseret-seret mendekati kediaman rumah Nabi Musa a.s. Diketuknya pintu pelan-pelan sambil mengucapkan salam. Maka terdengarlah ucapan dari dalam “Silakan masuk.” Perempuan cantik itu lalu berjalan masuk sambil kepalanya terus menunduk. Air matanya berderai tatkala ia berkata, “Wahai Nabi Allah. Tolonglah saya, Doakan saya agar Tuhan berkenan mengampuni dosa keji saya.” “Apakah dosamu wahai wanita?” tanya Nabi Musa as terkejut. “Saya takut mengatakannya,” jawab sang wanita. “Katakanlah jangan ragu-ragu!” desak Nabi Musa. Maka perempuan itupun terpatah bercerita, “Saya ……telah berzina.”Kepala Nabi Musa terangkat, hatinya tersentak. Perempuan itu meneruskan, “Dari perzinaan itu saya pun…. lantas hamil. Setelah anak itu lahir, langsung saya….. cekik lehernya sampai…..mati”, ucap wanita itu seraya menangis sejadi-jadinya. Nabi Musa as berapi-api matanya. Dengan muka berang ia mengherdik, “Perempuan jahat, nyah kamu dari sini! Agar siksa Allah tidak jatuh ke dalam rumahku kerana perbuatanmu. Pergi!” teriak Nabi Musa sambil memalingkan mata kerana jijik. Perempuan berwajah ayu dengan hati bagaikan kaca membentur batu, hancur luluh segera bangkit dan melangkah keluar. Dia terantuk-antuk ke luar dari dalam rumah Nabi Musa as.Ratap tangisnya amat memilukan. Dia tak tahu harus kemana lagi hendak mengadu. Bahkan dia tak tahu mau di bawa kemana lagi kaki-kakinya. Bila seorang Nabi saja sudah menolaknya, bagaimana pula manusia lain bakal menerimanya? Terbayang olehnya betapa besar dosanya, betapa jahat perbuatannya. Dia tidak tahu bahawa sepeninggalnya, Malaikat Jibril turun mendatangi Nabi Musa. Sang Ruhul Amin Jibril lalu bertanya, “Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak bertobat dari dosanya? Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar daripadanya?” Nabi Musa terperanjat. “Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari kekejian wanita penzina dan pembunuh itu?” Maka Nabi Musa dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu bertanya kepada Jibril. “Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar dari pada perempuan yang nista itu?” “Ada!” jawab Jibril dengan tegas.“Dosa apakah itu?” tanya Musa kian penasaran. “Orang yang meninggalkan solat dengan sengaja dan tidak menyesal. Orang itu dosanya lebih besar dari pada seribu kali berzina.” Mendengar penjelasan ini Nabi Musa kemudian memanggil wanita tadi untuk menghadap kembali kepadanya. Ia mengangkat tangan dengan khusuk untuk memohonkan ampunan kepada Allah untuk perempuan tersebut. Nabi Musa menyedari, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja dan tanpa penyesalan adalah sama saja seperti berpendapat bahawa sembahyang itu tidak wajib dan tidak perlu atas dirinya. Berarti ia seakan-akan menganggap remeh perintah Tuhan, bahkan seolah - olah menganggap Tuhan tidak punya hak untuk mengatur dan memerintah hamba - Nya.Sedang orang yang bertobat dan menyesali dosanya dengan sungguh-sungguh bererti masih mempunyai iman didadanya dan yakin bahawa Allah itu berada di jalan ketaatan kepada-Nya. Itulah sebabnya Tuhan pasti mau menerima kedatangannya.  Jelajah Unik  

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Oh! When Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for oppression of Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of Chinese, time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/BN govt

Oh! Krai Utara


In his winding-up speech at the 66th UMNO General Assembly on Saturday, the UMNO President and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak ended with the flourish urging UMNO members to work harder to convince the people to support Barisan Nasional as a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays.But this is the exact opposite of what MCA leaders like the MCA President Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek is telling the Chinese up and down the country, that a vote for the DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Chinese.It is clear that when Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of the Chinese, the time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/Barisan Nasional government.What credibility and legitimacy has a political coalition like Barisan Nasional, which is capable of such blatant deceit and dishonesty, plumbing the depths of lies and falsehoods to entrench itself in power, to dare claim that it has the credentials and moral high ground to continue to govern multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia when it is in fact actively aggravating racial and religious polarisation in the country?Najib and UMNO leaders are lying when they said that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays, just as Chua Soi Lek and MCA leaders are lying when they sounded the warning that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Chinese.But since both are in one political coalition, the Barisan Nasional, they should at least co-ordinate and reconcile their differences to come out with one “Big Lie against the DAP” instead of continuing to tell two conflicting lies to two different communities and to be caught “red-handed” in their lies!Najib and the Barisan Nasional leaders should know that they are in the era of Internet and it is no more possible for the political leaders in the country to censor or manipulate the flow of information as to hide the fact of dishonesty and hypocrisy of UMNO leaders lying to the Malays that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Malays while MCA leaders are lying to the Chinese that a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of the Chinese.Just on this issue alone, with the component parties of the Barisan Nasional spreading not only blatant but contradictory lies about the DAP, showing their utter bankruptcy of political principles and moral scruples, UMNO/Barisan Nasional should be drummed out of Putrajaya.Malaysian voters regardless of race, religion or region should rise as one to speak loud and clear in the 13GE to inform the nation and the world that they condemn, abhor and repudiate such contemptible and despicable politics of lies and dishonesty so as to introduce clean and principled governance in Malaysia.DAP, together with PKR and PAS in Pakatan Rakyat, reject the negative and destructive UMNO/BN politics of “divide and rule” and want it to be replaced by the positive and constructive politics of “unite and rule”.Pakatan Rakyat opposes the oppression of any race, religion or group and will ensure the end of marginalisation or discrimination of any race, religion or group which will be one of the guiding principles of a PR federal government in Malaysia.All Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans or Ibans will be winners in a Malaysia under a PR government.But we cannot promise that there will be no losers if PR achieves the “impossible dream” of Malaysians to defeat the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition in the 13GE and forms the federal government in Putrajaya.UMNO putras and their cronies in BN, who have waxed fat and rich at the expense of the ordinary Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans or Ibans, will be the losers for it will be the end of the road for them to acquire ill-gotten gains at the expense of the Malaysian public.

Source http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2012/12/03/when-najib-says-that-a-vote-for-dap-is-a-vote-for-oppression-of-malays-while-chua-soi-lek-declares-that-it-is-a-vote-for-oppression-of-chinese-time-has-come-save-malaysia-from-such-dishonest-dece/

Read More - Oh! When Najib says that a vote for DAP is a vote for oppression of Malays while Chua Soi Lek declares that it is a vote for oppression of Chinese, time has come to save Malaysia from such dishonest, deceitful, unprincipled and immoral UMNO/BN govt

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